Wait, what?!
If you’ve ever read anything I’ve written, posted, or commented anywhere, you may be shocked by this bold statement. You probably have a sense of where I stand on divinity. Long story short, I do not believe in a god that is outside of us. No disconnected being planning and inserting its will over us to teach us something, much less to punish or reward us.
I am a very firm believer in the law of attraction, basically that we are the gods we seek. We are the divine, and all of the power of the universe is within us. Anything that comes into our lives, we have attracted, because we have either directly or indirectly (ignorantly) attracted it. That’s the very short version. I am keenly aware of the so very many questions and complexities involved in order for us to try to grasp it all. But that is for another essay, or a book, or a few books.
So, what does all of this have to do with divine inspiration?
This Sucks!
I’m a writer. I’m also a teacher, a guide, a coach, a mother, a helper, a do gooder – you name it. I like to be out helping people, listening to their worries and troubles, and helping them find peace and joy from places of pain and suffering. I like to see people find their way to strength when they feel weak, and to pride when they feel shame.
Especially women.
But most of the work I’ve done has been driven by pure instinct. The words come naturally, and I am naturally attracted to people seeking advice or guidance, as I believe they are naturally attracted to me. This, I am confident, is one of my callings in life.
But last year, as I was shifting my entire life from living on pure survival instincts to living a meaningful and wholehearted life driven by thriving instincts, I became entirely unmoored. I lost all sense of who I was, where I was going, what I was doing. I was a survivor for 40 years. How was I now supposed to focus on enjoying life and growing?
I always knew my why.
I’ve always really wanted to inspire as many people as possible. I’ve always wanted to help people to see how awesome they are.
But the rest just started to feel like chaos.
I was up late nights working on content I didn’t care about. I was forcing myself to do work that didn’t feel meaningful to me. I was getting frustrated and feeling like it would never happen!
Funny now that I look back and see how far I’ve come in just over a year. But oh how I struggled. Why wasn’t it all happening rapid pace? Why did I feel so damn busy and hard working all the time just to still feel unfulfilled? I was writing, after all. Wasn’t that what it was supposed to be all about?
Actually, no. That’s not what it was supposed to be all about. It was, and is, supposed to be all about having fun. Fun. I wanted to be enjoying the journey, showing myself and anyone watching that this could be delicious.
So why wasn’t it delicious?
Because I was acting from a place of desperation instead of inspiration.
The Myth of Hard Work
The message kept hitting me over and over: slow down, rest, meditate – it’s not about hard work. It’s about inspired work.
I first heard about this concept, that success is not about hard work, from Abraham Hicks, who hit my radar a couple years ago. You cannot possibly receive the divine inspiration you need, the message from the powerful source of universal energy inside of you, if you are keeping yourself so busy that you can’t even stop to open your hands, your arms, your heart, your mind.
We’re so busy being busy that we can’t get the real work done, the real work of figuring out our real passions, our callings, our dreams. Most of us don’t even dare to dream anymore!
It made sense to me, this idea that we needed to slow down to receive, that we needed to be still to hear. But I, like everyone else I know, was too well trained for that. How could I slow down?
I needed to prove my worth through productivity, through house cleaning and cooking and children raising and grocery shopping and making money.
In the global society we live in today our inherent value is directly connected to our productivity.
Poor people are lazy losers and rich people are hard working winners.
That’s the accepted philosophy.
If we accept that, then sitting still become lazy; you’re not producing. Logic then says that you deserve to be poor. You certainly don’t hold any value as a person.
And yet, over these two years that I have been paying closer attention to these concepts, the more obviously they stand out as pure unadulterated bullshit.
Some of the hardest working people I know are working class, have very little money, and certainly cannot be categorized as lazy.
Some of the richest people I know of spend most of their time lounging, traveling, relaxing, having fun. But we would never call them lazy!
This is a myth of epic proportions that we have been tricked into believing and continuing through our own actions and the way we raise our children.
Hard works pays off.
For many, many people, it doesn’t.
The Secret to Divine Inspiration
The reality? The true universal law?
Rich people are rich because they believe they deserve to be rich. Rich people who are born rich continue to believe they deserve their status their whole lives. Rich people who acquire wealth in their lifetimes work in a very different way from most people to gain their wealth.
They don’t do “hard work.” They do “inspired work.” There’s a big difference. Also, they believe they deserve it. It is, truly, all about beliefs.
Yes, of course, they look like they’re working hard. And yes, of course, it is what anyone would consider hard work: up all night planning or preparing, studying or even actually physically working on their bodies.
But to those people, all of them, the truly wealthy who have acquired wealth in their lifetimes, they are doing inspired work. They work from a place of divinely guided ideas and goals. They understand their calling and spend as much time as possible in a state of “flow,” where the work feels magical and effortless, not grueling and pointless.
Imagine if we flipped our entire system on its head and started telling every single person we encounter that they deserve great wealth and great success. That they deserve it inherently simply because they, like us, are human. In one generation we could change the face of the world. People growing up believing themselves worthy and listening to their own inner guidance system.
This is divine inspiration.
What’s super cool about it is that any one of us can access that divine inspiration. The trick is to slow the hell down.
If you’re religious, pray. Then listen!
If you’re not religious, like me, meditate. Be still. No thoughts. And listen!
It can be so difficult in a world of fast paced instant gratification to just sit and let your own answers come to you from within you, but once you actually do it for the first time, once you hear your inner voice for the first time, you’ll never be the same.
Then go back, again and again, day after day, not seeking answers, just seeking the connection with your own divine inner being, the source of all of your energy, the part of you that connects you to every other human, no, every other energetic being on earth.
And that’s where collaboration comes in. First, you collaborate with yourself. Before you know it, your intuition tells you to sit in a coffee shop, go for a run, go to a conference. Your instincts tell you to pick up this book, listen to this podcast, respond to this email.
You make new friends, you are inspired by new people, you read books and learn information you never would have thought you’d be learning.
It all unfolds beautifully.
I took a circle member of mine to see the Rachel Hollis documentary last night in the theater. Her story inspires me, and I haven’t even read her books! One of the things she said that stood out to me is that she has so many mentors that don’t even know she exists. She’s read their books or listened to their podcasts, watched their YouTube channel or attended their conferences, all out of sheer and genuine curiosity and interest.
That’s divine inspiration, and that’s collaboration.
It is totally true that no woman is an island. We do not live in a vacuum. We need each other, we need community, and we need inspiration. And inspiration cannot be forced. In fact, the more you try to force it, the more it runs away from you.
So no matter what your goal is – to be the best damn stay at home mom there is, to be a New York Times bestselling author, or to be a CEO of your own company – you must take the time each day to receive divine inspiration. Your inner being, the universe, God, whatever you want to call it, always has your back, and will always provide the guidance you seek. But you must sit still.
Writing From a Place of Divine Inspiration
For me, divine inspiration means I have to slow way down. I cannot simply sit and pull words out of thin air. The greatest form of collaboration for me is also the best way for me to slow down to receive (outside of meditation, which I do 15 minutes each morning after yoga). I read. After years of reading “when I can,” or when I’m in my car alone (when the hell does that ever happen?), I have made it a goal of mine to read two books a week, one fiction and one non fiction, both in the realm of what I write about or how I live my life.
So I read a lot of fiction about witches and fairies and magic and wonder, about strong women and motherhood and overcoming and coming of age. And I read a lot of non fiction about self development and self improvement, about law of attraction and creative living.
Each time I pick up my book or listen to an audio book, I am drawing on inspiration. I have new ideas and new words, new ways of thinking and new creative juices flowing. I’m collaborating.
Author Toni Morrison said that all writers are readers and all readers are writers. We can’t help but be influenced by each other.
Take the First Steps and Open up to Divine Inspiration
I refuse to do pretty much anything I don’t feel like doing anymore. I have made my feelings my top priority. I sit and wait for the inspiration to hit me, for the joy in what I’m about to do to strike me, for the energy to burst through me to go for a run, start dinner, take my kids to the park, work on client work. This doesn’t mean that I don’t do things I have to do, it just means that I’ve switched from a perspective of “I have to do this” to “I get to do this.”
I insist now on creating and maintaining my own little world filled with inspiration.
Whatever you want to do, you should be immersing yourself in that world, spend time on the internet, read or listen to books about it, follow people more advanced than you, find friends who have similar goals. Overcome your fear and step out of your comfort zone. The first step is the hardest. Once you take it, you are now on the path to becoming who you want to become. Then keep taking steps.
Just be sure to stay open to your divine inspiration along the way.
Shanna, this is a great post!! So many people do not understand this concept and you explained it very well! Thank you for the inspiring words!!
thank you so much for your comment!
It’s so hard for many of to just slow down… Be quiet and listen. Definitely something I’m working on.
you and me both sister!
As a believer in GOD I can’t say that I agree with your thoughts. This was a well written blog, and I always encourage other to speak about what they believe. Whether I agree or not, I never judge but always off an open ear. Thanks for sharing.
thanks for reading!
It’s definitely a change in mindset. I love that you say you don’t HAVE to do those things each day, but that you GET to do those things. Just having that change in attitude sets your day up to be even more fulfilled and more on purpose. And you’re right, people that choose to live their days with that mindset are the ones that end up hugely successful.
This Brene Brown quote is SO GOOD! She’s a fave of mine!
I love her too!
It can definitely be hard to slow down sometimes! I’m trying to get better at that.
then you will! It all starts with trying!
I’m also struggling with the idea of slowing down – that not every minute needs to be busy. And that, in fact, it’s those moments of peace, of meditation, where the best inspiration can happen. I’m excited to see how this works out for you.
“it’s not about hard work. It’s about inspired work.” Hit me smack in the face, in the feels! Wonderful article!
yay! I’m so glad!
I always enjoy reading your posts. I hope this is taken in the right context. I believe your post is universal whether you believe in God or not. It’s extremely deep and inspiring. The word divine is defined as “of, from, or like God or a god” (at least google says so). When I first started reading your post, I thought it was religious because of the word. The more I read the more I found it was not religious from a ‘believing in GOD’ perspective. The message is so powerful for all.
Again, I hope I was able to get my point across. I do believe in God but also find your message of ‘inspiration’ and ‘collaboration’ crosses over and I love the message. It somewhat reminds me of the show “God Friended Me.” It isn’t what you think…but it somehow is. It is about an atheist who has a podcast. Then ‘God’ or someone portraying friends him and every person ‘God’ suggests as a friend is someone needing help and coincidently is helped by the atheist. For now, the atheist still is an atheist but realizes that doing good in the world and helping others is so fulfilling and important…but it is not necessary to believe in God to believe in helping others. For me, this post is similar to that premise. While the message is divine inspiration, the content surrounding it is helpful and inspiring for everyone whether you believe or not.
Thank you for this message.
yay! That was exactly my intention! I’m so happy it hit home for you. And I’m confident that your “God” and my “divine inspiration” are not very far apart at all. Blessings!
What an empowering post. we all need to become more aware of the power that is within us. We need to step back inside of ourselves to harness it instead of always looking outwards for guidance and inspiration, Thank you for committing to listening to your intuition more. You’re an inspiration.
yay! Thank you!
Shanna – a very ‘deep’ post with a lot of reflection. It sounds like you have found your way. Many of us get too focused on the things we have to do instead of the things we want to do that will bring us joy and fulfillment.
This is great! Divine inspiration is a new topic for me, and I think you covered it well 🙂
I too strongly believe in divine inspiration. When I follow that feeling, I never go wrong. Thank you for encouraging people to do just that. So much good would be accomplished by more people if they just follow the good in their hearts as inspired to do so.
I also agree with the stupid idea that all poor people are lazy and rich people are hard workers. I am considered “poor” mostly because of the amount of children I have. I didn’t ask for my ex-husband to leave me with five children and no full time job or benefits but I got my butt up and moving. Went full time back to school to get my masters and finished in less than 2 years while working part time and raising 5 kids. So it’s hard sometimes to be judged so quickly like by grumpy cashiers as I use my EBT card. I’m an educated woman that was given some major bumps in my life. I’m grateful for the government assistance available as I strive to improve my life to get OFF of assistance.
People judge too quickly…but if everyone just loved and followed divine inspiration…our world would be a better place.
yes!!!!!! That’s so awesome! And absolutely just ignore what anyone else thinks or says. You’ve just got to know that you are enough, you are worthy, and you are doing it!
It is so hard to slow down! I love how you explained everything! Beautiful post!
thank you!
Beautifully written post. Though I do believe that divine inspiration comes from God I also believe that mindset is HUGE! Thank you.
thank you for reading!
While I can’t find myself agreeing with everything in our post (particularly the attraction part and a few others), I do respect your point of view and CAN agree that we do tend to work too hard. I’m very much the same way – finding it difficult to slow down and constantly beat myself over it. I found it a very inspirational piece and, as others have said, does have a universal message. I, myself, am a firm believer in God, as well, but the basic principles you are trying to convey here do translate. Thank you for sharing your heart. You’re posts are always thought-provoking.
thank you thank you for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment.
Divine inspiration is a must! Surrender to it!
yes girl yes!
Ahh, yes! I feel your strong will and respect your words. Your determination expresses success. Love your post!
What a great post. Regardless if you believe in God or a higher power, you still need to stop and let that inspiration in. If we let the noise take over, that doesn’t happen. I have really enjoyed reading others comments on this one.
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